The analysis of five piston cores and a large quantity of surficial samples in South China Sea indicates that there is a great number of volcanic ashes in the sediment. Some of them occur as discrete layers and others in a dispersed state. A geochemical analysis of glass shards by electronic microprobe suggests that the volcanogenic substance is basic or neutral. Analysis of experimental data by mathematical method indicates that the basic glass is either picrite or alkaline peridotite in rock composition and that neutral glass is island-arc andesite. According to the morphology of volcanic ash, basaltic shards were formed from phreatmagmatic eruptions and andesite shards from magmatic eruptions.The determination, of uranium series absolute age, calcium carbonate content and spore-pollen analysi of core 317-82-29 ( 2 ) conclude that the sediments in the piston core were formed during the Late Quaternary. According to strontium isotope and chemical characteristics of the volcanic shards, the tephar originated from the upper mantle.