
获得性弓形虫脑病的诊断与治疗(附10例报告) 被引量:3

Diagnosis and Treatment of Acquired Toxoplasmic Encephalopathy
摘要 我室经弓形虫血清学和脑脊液病原学检查证实获得性弓形虫脑病10例。本文结合文献资料,对获得性弓形虫脑病的发病情况、临床表现,诊断依据和对治疗的反应进行了讨论。 Ten cases of acquired toxoplasmic encephalopathy confirmed by toxoplasmic serological test and pathogenic study of CSF were reported in this paper. With a review of the relevant literature, the situation of the disease, clinical feature, basis for the diagnosis and reaction to the disease's treatment were discussed. Five cases among the groups were old patients.One case was a patient who had received chemical therapy after an operation for cancer, One case was a person who suffered from TB and had been treated with hormon, So it was considered that the situation of the disease was related to the patient's low immune function caused by that factors. Clinical feature of 10 cases was divided into five types. Toxoplasmic serelogical test and toxoplasma found in CSF and reaction to the anti-toxoplasmic treatment were basis for the diagnosis of the cases.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 1990年第1期37-39,共3页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
关键词 获得性弓形虫脑病 脑脊液 病原学 诊断 治疗 Toxoplasma Encephalopathy Cerebrospinal fluid Pathogenilogy
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