测定学龄前幼儿静息时和运动后尿中去甲肾上腺素(NA)和肾上腺素(A)的排泄量,结果表明,运动后男女幼儿 NA 和 A 的排泄量均较静息时增高,儿茶酚胺指数(NA/A)运动后降低,表明学龄前儿童在体力运动中心血管系统功能状况的改变,虽仍以神经调节为主,但体液调节也占有重要地位。
The article presents the amounts of urinary noradrenaline(NA)and adrenaline(A)of preschool children at rest and after exercise.The results showed that either at rest or after exercise,the values of NA and A as well as the catecholamine index(NA/A)were no significant difference between boys and girls,but after exercise,both boys and girls their NA and A excretion increased significantly (P<0.01).The added value of NA was higher than that of A,but no statistical significance (P>0.05).In addition,the catecholamine index of boys and girls decreased from 2.78±1.61, 3.71±1.86 to 1.52±0.98,1.57±1.01.The article infers that the functional changes of the heart and blood vessels system during physical activity in preschool children,are regulated mainly by nerve system,but hormone regulation is also importance.