根据矩阵迹的定义 ,首先给出了矩阵迹的性质 ,然后依据方阵的F—范数定义Cauchy—Schwarz不等式 ,给出了零矩阵 ,不相似矩阵 ,数幂矩阵 ,列矩阵 ,幂等矩阵及矩阵不等式的证法。
On the basis of the definition of matrix traces, this paper discusses their characteristics at first and then according to the norm of the F of square matrix and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality gives how to prove the zero matrix, unsimilar matrix, number cloth matrix, column matrix idempotent matrix and non-equality matrix. The application of the matrix traces in solving problems is made as well in this paper.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Technology