针对 L GJQT- 140 0导线的力学性能 ,从其组成的几何规律出发 ,分析了特种轻型钢铝绞制粗导线的截面刚度。给出了该型导线较为理想的结构设计 ,所得结果表明 :现有的 L GJQT- 140 0导线不仅经济效益低 ,而且力学性能差 ,导电性能也不尽理想。若将最外 4层每层减少一根股线 ,则上述不足均因股线捻角减少而改善。依此结构生产的产品既安全又经济 ,并且在加工工艺上易于操作 。
Aimed at the mechanical characteristics of type of LGJQT-1400 wire,the section stiffness of special light steel cored aluminum strand wire is analyzed according to its geometrical makeup.It is submitted the ideal draft of the structure.The conclusion is shown that the mechanical characteristics and conduction characteristics of this wire are bad and the economic benefit is low.The structure is improved by each layer of outside four layers decreased one strand of wire.This product with the improved structure is safe,economic and easy to be processed.
Jilin Electric Power