本文运用“时空替代”方法和分形理论 ,探讨了对现有的次生针阔混交林实施“团块状保留母树团”经营后 ,不同经营时间林分组成树种的空间结构的动态变化。得出随经营时间的推移 ,乔木层占据空间的总体能力逐渐增强 ,也趋于稳定 ,形成多层次的林冠郁闭 ,同时红松、椴树、水曲柳逐渐占据优势地位 ;而灌木层与乔木层相反 ,随经营时间的推移占据空间的能力逐渐减小并趋于稳定 ,在它们中 ,经营之初占优势地位的喜光种类逐渐退出 ,以典型针阔混交林下种类如丁香、山梅花、刺五加逐渐占据优势。
The article discussed the spatial pattern dynamics of tree species of secondary theropencedrymion managed in means of 'Reserving Mother Tree Group'(RMTG) in different time, by using the way of 'Time Instead of Space' and fractal theory. The result indicated that the space holding capacity of tree layer was enhanced and tended to be stable gradually as time went on, and the closure of multiple tree layer has been formed, moreover Pinus koraiensis , Tilia spp and Fraxinus mandshurica hold the dominance. On the contrary, the space holding capacity of shrub layer was decreased and tended to be stable quickly, and the thriving of the photophilus shrubs was disappeared; the typical theropencedrymion shrub species such as Syringa amurensis, Philadelphus schrenkii and Acanthopanax senticosus covered the dominance. All these manifested the RMTG management has accelerated the succession of stands to typical theropencedrymion.
Bulletin of Botanical Research
"九五"国家重点科技攻关专题"三江平原低山丘陵区林农复合系统综合发展技术模式的研究!"( 96-0 0 4-0 2 -0 5 )的部分内容