目的 :1999年夏秋季福州郊区发生登革热暴发流行 ,白纹伊蚊是当地传播媒介 ,为迅速控制疫情 ,在流行区实施以灭蚊为主的防制措施。方法 :开展以健康教育、环境治理、清除无用积水和减少媒介滋生环境为主的爱国卫生运动 ;使用高效氟氯氰菊酯和强力克敌等拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂 ,以 2 0mg/m2 实行滞留喷洒和空间喷洒灭蚊。灭蚊前、后调查白纹伊蚊种群密度 ,以房屋指数、容器指数、布雷图指数和成蚊刺叮率评价防制效果。结果 :灭蚊前白纹伊蚊房屋指数 5 6 .5 ,容器指数 5 4.5 ,布雷图指数 175 .5 ;灭蚊后分别下降为 2 .4、11.5和 4.0 ,下降率分别为 95 .8% ,78.9%和 97.8% ;刺叮率从灭蚊前平均 42 .3只 /人工小时下降为零 ,从 10月 12日后未再发现新病例。结论 :防制措施得当有效 ,白纹伊蚊种群密度显著下降 。
Objective:A epidemic Dengue was broke in suburban distric of Fuzhou city in 1999. Aedes albopictus was proved the transmitting vector in the locality. The main measures were carriedout with the vector control to break down the epidemic dengue rapidly. Methods:The patriotic public health campaign were operated that the discarded countainers proper were disposed to be reducted the breeding of Aedes albopictus and Beta-cyfluthrin carried out residual spraying in 20mg/m 2. Result:The average house index 56.5 and countainer index 54.5 and the Breteau index 175.5 . The sucking rate was 42.3 per hour and man befor the control.The result in the reinvestigation shown that the house index was reduced to 2.4 and countainer index 11.5 and the Breteau index 4.0 respectively. The sucking rate was zero after the control. Conclusions: The density of Aedes albopictus was reduced obviously. The epidemic dengue was abstructed rapidly and the case not found from 12 October.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control