为观察乙型肝炎病毒是否通过产妇传播 (MFT)并在胎儿大脑组织表达 ,采集 40例乙型肝炎产妇产下的死胎 ,常规尸检 ,取大脑组织 ,用 SP法检测 HBs Ag,回访婴母产前静脉血乙肝病毒 (HBV)的检测结果 ;取百分率行 u检验。结果显示 ,HBs Ag阳性颗粒在死胎的大脑胶质细胞浆、血管中呈点灶状分布 ,大脑胶质细胞的细胞核无分布。HBV呈单项阳性、小三阳、大三阳婴母分娩的死胎大脑组织中 HBs Ag阳性率分别为 2 4.2 %(8/ 33)、 0 (0 / 2 )、 0 (0 / 5 )。提示 HBV可以通过母婴垂直传播并感染胎儿大脑组织。
To observe if there is the express of HBsAg in the cerebral tissue of the died fetus infected by HBV by maternal-fetal transmission(MFT)40 cases cerebral tissues of died fetus that the puerperal deheratied with hepatitis virus B were detected HBsAg by immunocytochemistry(SP)Investigated the detection on HBV in the mother veins before deheratyThe results showed that there were HBsAg in the cerebral tissuesThey were mainly on the surface of the cerebral vessel and in the plasma of the astrocyteThey were not in the astrocyte nucleiThere were 8/33、0/2、0/5 cases express of HBsAg in the cerebral tissues of the died fetus that the puerperal deherated with hepatitis virus B for only one HBVM+,HBsAg+HBeAb+HBcAb and HBsAg+HBeAg+HBcAb in the mother veins before deheratyIt suggests that HBV can be translated by maternal-fetal transmission and the cerebral tissue of the died fetus is infected by HBV
Shandong Medical Journal
铁道部2000年自然科技资金资助项目! (J2 0 0 0 Z0 95 )