

The Status of Self-controlling Blood Pressure and Factors of Hospitalization in Primary Hypertensive Patients
摘要 目的通过分析原发性高血压住院病人平时控压状况及其住院因素 ,进一步加强高血压一、二级预防措施。方法对原发性高血压住院病人进行了平时控压状况调查 ,并对控压方式与住院因素的关系进行分析。结果 2 0 6例中有 5 8例不知自己平时有高血压 ,获知有高血压时已合并心脏病或脑卒中 ,5 9.2 2 %人虽采取不同控压措施 ,但规律服药者仅为 10 .6 8% ,经常性监测血压仅占 12 .14%。高血压病人住院因素与患者平时自我控压方式有一定的关系 ,不规律或未采取控压措施 ,高血压急性复发、加重发生并发症的住院例数亦增多。结论缺乏高血压病防治知识 ,自我保健、自我监控意识不强是高血压复发、加重住院因素增多的主要因素之一。积极开展普及高血压病防治知识 ,特别是在边远地区。 Objective To investigate the status of self controlling blood pressure and their hospitalization reasons in primary hypertensive inpatients. Method A cross sectional survey was performed in 206 patients with primary hypertension in the hospital. Results The 58 patients did not know that they previously suffered from hypertension. They had to be in the hospital as stroke or cardiovascular disease. Those who had measures of self controlling blood pressure were taken a proportion of 59 22%. The proportion of those who regularly took drugs was only 10 68%. The regular checking rate of blood pressures was 12 14%. Because there was not any or irregular measures, it was increased that the hypertensive patients with stroke or cardiovascular disease in the hospital. Conclusion It is one of the major factors for increasing patients with hypertension in the hospital that lacking the know ledge which is relevant to prevention and treatment of hypertension. The results indicated that medical staff on non communicative diseases prevention should educate the hypertensive patients, enhance self protecting awareness and encourage them to cultivate health lifestyles and simultaneously take comprehensive prevention and treatment measure on hypertension. These suggest it be also necessary to carry out health education in border town especially in rural area and minority nationality regions.
作者 彭晋湘
机构地区 解放军
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2001年第2期60-61,共2页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
关键词 高血压 自我控压 住院因素 Hypertension Self controlling Bp Factors of hospitalization
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