Dynamics of absorption of 134Cs by rice shows that absorption rate is the fastest at boot stage;absorption capacities of 134Cs in soils are different with the different physical-chemical properties of soils;absorption amounts vary with the time of irrigating 134Cs the closer the irrigation time to mature stage is,the more the absorption amount of 134Cs in rice will be the more the irrigating times are,and the higher the radioactivity of 134Cs in irrigating water is,the more the absorption amount in rice will be.After brown rice is polished,contamination of 134Cs can be decreased by 22.6-45.6%.The order of specific activity in rice is:bran >root>straw>husk>polished rice.Percentage activity of straw,brown rice,root and husk is 51.4%,28.4%,11.8% and 8.4% respectively.The migration of 134Cs is very slow in soil and 95.1%.of 134Cs is concentrated in surface soil.(0-2.5cm).The distribution ratio of 134Cs in the rice and soil is 6.1%:93.9% Potassium ion can inhibit the absorption of 134Cs by rice.There is an exponential function between the concentration of potassium ion and specific activity of 134Cs in rice.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences