送丝机系统的微机测试装置 (FCD)是对送丝系统性能进行测试和评估的装置。该装置可检测送丝速度信号、电网电压信号、电机温度信号和送丝阻力信号 ,并绘制出反映各信号相互关系的曲线和图表。测试软件是在中文Windows’95环境下采用C 语言开发的 ,具有形象直观和良好的人机交互界面。
Computer detecting device is used in detecting and evaluting the performance of wire feed system.The signals of wire feed speed,power voltage,motor temperature and wire feed resistance can be detected by the device,and the diagrams and charts which show the interrelation of these sigals can be drawned.The detecting soft ware is developed by C language in the circumstance of Windows'95,which has direct and good ergonomic interface.
Electric Welding Machine