研究稻纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂生物学特性和保护利用措施,结果表明:该蜂有孤雌生殖特性,1 头雌蜂平均一生产卵51 .8 粒,稻纵卷叶螟二龄幼虫期最易被该蜂寄生,施用农药应避开二龄高峰期。
The biological character and the measure of protection & utilization of Apanteles cypris were studied. The results showed that Apanteles cypris had the charismatic of parthenogenesis. On the average, one female bee can lay 51.8 eggs in her whole life. It is easy that the bee parasites in the second instar young of Chaphalocrocis medina. We shall not apply pestcides in the peak period of the second instar young occurring.
Plant Protection Technology and Extension