通过调控瘤胃内环境 ,使瘤胃内pH值和瘤胃微生物总数增加 ,提高了日粮消化率。结果表明 ,瘤胃内pH值提高 1 0 82 % ,为 6 76。微生物总数提高 1 4 6 3% ,为每毫升瘤胃液 1 1 2 8× 1 0 9个 ,其中纤毛虫和新月芽形细菌数量降低 ,球状和杆状细菌大幅度增加。日粮中粗纤维消化率为 6 8 8% ,粗蛋白消化率为75 3% ,分别提高 1 8 2 %和 1 7 3%。经统计分析 ,各指标差异均达到极显著水平 (P <0 0 1 )。
The digestive rate of food daily was increased through pH and microorganism total amount improve in rumen with control rumen physiology environment.The results showed:pH and microorganism had individually increased by 10.82%(P<0 01) and 146.3% (P<0.01) in rumen;The digestive rate of CF and CP had individually increased by 18.2%(P<0.01) and 17.3%(P<0.01).
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences