猪种是影响养猪生产最关键因素之一 ,本文针对四川省目前养猪生产存在的问题 ,在对目前和未来市场需求、四川实际情况以及国内外养猪生产发展趋势等方面进行综合分析的基础上 ,对全省猪种的品种选择、规划、布局等进行了详尽的阐述 ,提出了不同生态环境与经济条件下的适宜品种组合。通过建立全省人工授精网络、完善种猪性能测定体系等关键技术措施 。
Pig breed is a key factor influencing production.In order to solve problems facing in pig production in Sichuan, a detail description on swine breed selection,planning and distribution in the Province was made on the basis of comprehensive analysis of market demand,local practical situation and developing direction home and abroad.Adequate breed combinations for different ecological and economical conditions were suggested.It is possible to increase the production level and economical profit by establishing/improving artifical insemination and breeding swine performance testing system.
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences