本文研制了一种无触点的十字型两维集成垂直霍尔器件 ,它对平行于芯片表面的磁场敏感 .当与被测转角 α的物件轴向相固连的径向永久磁铁转动时 ,平行于芯片表面的磁场分量 Bx、By大小将发生相对变化 ,以致集成的两对霍尔板输出电量也产生相应地变化 .这时传感器件给出了相对于被测量角度 α的两种信号电压 ( sinα和 cosα) ,通过 arctgn( Vx/ Vy)可求得转角 α,从而达到测量角度的目的 .测量结果表明利用该角度传感器件与 PC机组成的测量系统其测量角度的精度可达±
A new contactless two dimensional integrated Hall Angular Detector was presented. A radial permanent magnet is attached to the axis whose angle position α is to be determined. Two orthogonal vertical Hall devices in cross shape, which active sensing area is 150μm×150 μm, measure the magnetic field X,Y components paralled to the chip surface and therefore the angular position α of the axis. When the permanent magnet was rotating, the measured output voltages V\-x,V\-y by the two pairs of vertical Hall plates were changed correspondingly. The angle α could be obtained by calculating the arc tangent of the signal ratio V\-X/V\-Y through the software and PC processor. The experimental results show an angular measurement accuracy of ±1° over a full 360° operating range.
Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
国家九五科技攻关项目资助!( 96-74 8-0 2 -0 2 ):集成角度传感器子课题