本文总结分析了发生在新丰江水库老震区,距1962年6 .1级主震27年的1次4.5级地震的活动特点,认为此次4.5级地震及其伴生的小震群仍系新丰江水库诱发地震序列的中晚期强余震。
A characteristic of a earthquake (M=4.5) which occurred after the main earthquake of M=6.1 (in 1962) at the old earthquake area of Xinfeagjiang reservoir is summed up and analysed in this paper. It is thought that this earthquake (M = 4.5) and some small earthquake swarms still belong to the strong aftershock in the late period among the induced earthquake sequence in Xinfengjiang reservoir area.
South China Journal of Seismology