人才问题是西部大开发中的一个十分关键的问题。在西部大开发中 ,如何运用邓小平重才、知才、用才思想 ,开拓新思路 ,采用新办法 ,为社会政治经济发展提供强有力的智力支持和人才保障 ,这不仅是各级政府部门需要认真思考、认真对待的问题 ,也是全体西部人应该认真思考、认真对待的大问题。
The issue of personnel is a key point in the exploration of China's west, in the process of which, how to apply Deng Xiaoping's thought about cherishing, understanding and using the talented people, how to develop new ideas and how to adopt new strategies to provide wholehearted support for and supply of talented people for the development of society, politics and economy is not merely a problem that needs serious consideration and treatment from all departments of the government, but also a problem for all the people in the west to face, consider and cope with seriously.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)