目的 观察重组人表皮生长因子滴眼液对胬肉切除后角膜损伤的修复作用。方法 选择单纯性非复发性胬肉,局麻、显微镜下切除并做结膜瓣转移和缝合。术后滴 EGF滴眼液 2滴, 5 min后结膜囊涂 0.3%氧氟沙星眼膏,包扎患眼。术后每日按时换药并观察角膜愈合情况。结果 对照组角膜上皮 100%痊愈时间为 7 d,与实验组角膜上皮 100%痊愈时间 5 d相比,差异有显著性( P ? 0.05);同样 ,将两组“显效”、“有效”、“无效”进行比较,差异均有显著性( P ? 0.05)。结论 EGF滴眼液能有效地促进角膜上皮细胞再生与修复。所有受试者主观感觉良好,无过敏等副作用。
Objective To investigate the effects of recombinant epidermal growth factor on the wounded corneal healing after excision of pterygium .Methods Simple and unrecurrent pterygiums were selected , excised and sewed up conjunctival flap under local anaesthesia and microscope. After operation two drops of EGF eyedrop were used ,and five minutes later 0.3% Tarivid Eye Oint was used again, and then the operated eye was enswathed. Everyday the wound cornea was observed and the EGF eyedrop was used. Results The wound cornea healing time of control group was seven days and that of the EGF group was five days and gave a remarkable difference (P ? 0.05).The same results were obtained after comparing the effective group and noneffective group,P ? 0.05. Conclusions EGF eyedrop can accelerate proliferation and recovery of wound corneal epithelial cells. In the clinical trial, every body felt well and no side-effect was observed.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae