可持续发展是世界各国共同追求的目标。这一新模式需要的绝非是自私自利的经济人 ,而是既考虑自身又考虑后代、考虑环境的道德经济人。笔者从全社会、内部、外部三方面分析了“道德经济人”产生的机制。
Sustainable development is an objective commonly pursued by every country in the world. What this mode of development needs are by no means brokers of self acquisitiveness. It needs those brokers who not only care for their own interest, but that of the next generations and the environment as well. The author of this paper analyses, in perspective of the entire society, the interior and the exterior, of the mechanism that produces “brokers with the work ethic”.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition