随着内蒙古旅游业的迅猛发展 ,旅游教育的发展也很快 ,但存在着规模小、层次结构与旅游需求欠协调、师资不足等问题。笔者认为 ,应将旅游教育纳入旅游业发展的总体规划 ,优化组建自治区旅游学院 ,调整专业结构和学历层次结构 ,加强师资队伍建设 。
With the rapid development of tourism in Inner Mongolia, its tourist education has , too, been developing very rapidly, but on a small scale . Its structure can not meet the demands and there is a shortage of teachers. The author of this paper suggests that tourist education should be included in the general plan for the development of tourism, a tourist college set up, and the curriculum restructered and academic certificates regulated and the qualification of teachers upgraded, so as to constantly raise the educational quality.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition