有人把目前全球性的环境、生态、资源危机归罪于“人类中心论”和“人之主体性”的过分张扬 ,并认为解决危机的出路在于“走出人类中心主义” ,“取消人的主体资格”。这是不妥的。实际上 ,造成人类困境的是近代西方工业文明所张扬的那种“残缺”的主体性。可持续发展决不意味着一般地否定人的主体性 ,相反 ,解决全球问题 ,实现可持续发展 ,必须大力弘扬人的主体性。但是 ,这里弘扬的是一种健康的完善的主体性 ,而不是某种“残缺”的主体性。为此。应该在对近代西方哲学主体性进行批判性反思的基础上对人的主体性进行重构 。
There is a trend to put all the blame of the crisis of environment,ecology and natural resources on over propagating the exposition of “Human Centerlism”, and the only way to solve this problem is to cancel humankind's principal position in the world.In fact,the very point is because of the incorrect human position propagated by the Western Industrial Revolution.Sustainable development cannot negate humankind's principal position totally. On the contrary, correct human position can free human beings from predicament.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)