
焊趾表面裂纹应力强度因子计算的基本模式法 被引量:11

Elementary Modes Method for Evaluating SIFs Along Fronts of Surface Cracks at Weld Toes
摘要 给出一个用来计算对接和角接焊接接头焊趾半椭圆表面裂纹在复杂应力场中,例如在残余应力场中,裂纹前缘应力强度因子(SIF)分布的工程实用计算法——基本模式法。本文先通过高自由度的三维有限元分析,给出接头和裂纹几何参数T1/T、a/T、a/c一系列组合的基本几何模型(文中给出27种)在选定的基本应力模式(本文给出8种)作用下,沿裂纹前缘的SIF分布,并形成一个数据库。利用这些基本模式解的插值和组合,可以非常迅速地求得一般几何参数情况下焊趾半随圆表面裂纹在复杂应力场中沿裂纹前缘的SIF分布。在本方法中,可以考虑角接接头板厚比T1/T对SIF分布的影响。计算过程极简单而迅速,因此特别适用于疲劳裂纹扩展行为及寿命计算问题。 A practical procedure, which is referred to as elementary modes method, was proposed for evaluating stress intensity factors (SIF) along fronts of semi elliptical surface cracks at weld toes in complex stress fields. Distributions of SIFs along crack fronts for 27 elementary geometries of semi elliptical surface cracks at weld toes, which are combinations of parameters T 1/T,a/T and a/c, subjected to 8 kinds of selected elementary stress modes were analyzed by 3 D finite element method, and a database was thus built. SIF distributions for general geometries in complex stress fields can be calculated through interpolations and linear combinations of these elementary solutions. The surface effect of thickness ratio of fillet welded joints on SIF distributions can be taken into account. The procedure is very simple and fast. The method is especially suitable for fatigue analysis.
机构地区 浙江工业大学
出处 《应用力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期73-81,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
关键词 应力强度因子 半随圆表面裂纹 焊接接头 基本模式法 疲劳 stress intensity factor, semi elliptical surface crack, welded joint, elementary modes method, fatigue.
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