通过介绍电力营销管理中典型的业务流程及现有的情况 ,指出其缺乏科学管理的环节 ;阐述科学化流程管理的主要内容对电力营销管理的重要性及电力营销管理对科学化流程管理的具体要求 ;建立业务流程管理的数学模型 ,提出流程管理的设计方案及实现办法。
By introducing the typical business process and existent situation,the artical pointed out the links being lack in scientific management,the main contents of scientific process of management,their importance for electric power marketing and the requirement of scientific process for electric power marketing,A mathematical model for bussiness process management was established and its plan for realization was put forward.
Hubei Electric Power