硅肥对农作物稳产高产具有“三抗三促”的功能,即抗倒伏,抗病虫,抗干旱,促光合作用,促根系发育,促进养分的有效利用。土壤缺硅的原因很多,不同地区的土壤缺硅情况差别很大。硅肥生产的主要原料是黄磷渣和高炉熔渣。机械地将原料粉碎所生产的硅肥肥效差。要提高肥效需作化学处理,要便于施肥,硅肥造粒是发展趋势。造粒的技术关键是加入粘合-崩解剂。施用硅肥增产幅度较大,水稻 9.8%~17%,小麦 6.7%-12.3%,玉米 7.2%~14.9%,棉花 8.3%~9.6%。
The application of silica fertilizer can bring crops steady and high production.It has the function called 'three resistance and three promotion'Using it crops can resist lodging,insect pests and dry.It can accelerate the photosynthesis,the growth of root system and the utilization of nutrient.There are many reasons why the soil is short of silicon.According to different soil in different areas,the condition of lacking silicon has much difference.The main materials of producing silica fertilizer are the cinder of yellow phosphorus and melted blast furnace.People should realize crushing these materials is a trend of applying fertilizer easily.The key skill of crushing is to add binders and dis-inte grants.If people apply silica fertilizer to the soil,the margin of increasing crop yield is great.Here are the numbers of different crops,crop 9.8%~17%,wheat 6.7%~12.3%,com 7.2%~14.9%,cotton 8.3%-9.6%.
Chemical Technology Market