
面向21世纪的酸增殖辐射固化与成像技术 被引量:4

Acid Proliferation of Radiation Curing and Imaging Technology for 21st Century
摘要 介绍了市村国宏教授率先在 20世纪 90年代末期提出的酸增殖 (Acid proliferation)、酸增殖源、酸增殖型光致抗蚀剂等新概念,列出了几种有用的酸增殖源及它们酸致产酸发生增殖反应的机理,讨论了酸增殖源在光致抗蚀剂 (特别是化学增幅抗蚀剂 )和计算机直接制版 (CTP)技术等方面的应用,说明这是一项在 21世纪有发展前景的成像技术——信息记录技术。 The new conceptions such as proliferation, acid proliferation agents and acid proliferation photoresists are introduced . These conceptions were suggested by professor Kunihiro Ichimura at the end of the nineties in 20st century. Several useful acid proliferation agents and the proliferation mechanism that how to produce another acid are depicted. The application of acid proliferation agents in photoresists, especially in chemical amplified resists, and in CTP(Computer To Plate) technology and an information recording technology with developing perspectives in 21st century.
出处 《信息记录材料》 2001年第1期19-21,共3页 Information Recording Materials
关键词 酸增殖 辐射固化 辐射成像 化学增幅抗蚀剂 计算机直接制版 CTP Acid proliferation Radiation curing Radiation imaging Chemical amplified resist CTP (Computer To Plate)
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