描述了Tencel、Lyocell纤维及其与纤维素纤维混纺物用化学和机械方法进行前处理的新的可能性。同时 ,阐述了前处理后Tencel和Tenel/棉混纺织物的平幅连续染色的可能性 ,并与竭染方法相比较。最后陈述了Tencel处理中的从整理到成品的过程的全面评价。
New possibilities for the pretreatment of Tencel lyocell fibers and blends with cellulose fibres using chemical and mechanical methods are described. After the pretreatment, the possibilities of continuous dyeing of open width fabrics of Tencel and Tencel/cotton explained and comparisons are drawn with the exhaust dyeing method. Statements on the finishing through to the finished product complete the evaluation of the treatment of Tencel.
Melliand China