民办高等教育是高等教育资源参与市场配置 ,引进民间投资主体 ,按市场机制运作的投资和运行模式。民办高等教育的迅速、大规模发展 ,除了我国国情需要和国家政策的鼓励与支持外 ,更有其内在的发展动因 ,即教育具有的经济学属性。
The higher education run by the local people is a pattern of investment,which enables the higher education resources to be involved in the market ordinance.Introdvces the fold intentions,and is run by the market mechanism.Apart from the needs of rnatival conditions and the encouragement and support of the national policy,the rapid and large scale development of the higher education run by the local people has its internal factors of developmetn,the educational economic at tribetes.The paper will discuss about it in detail from the aspects of the economic functions and the characteristics of the higher education.
Higher Agricultural Education