本文在描述世界网络教育时代到来和中国网络教育兴起的背景下 ,探讨了中国进入网络教育时代的六项基本标志。作者将我国现阶段网络教育定性为春秋时代 ,并进而论述了这一时代网络教育的多样化和多元化及其带来的激烈竞争的诸多特征和网络教育初创期和不成熟及其带来的诸多试探的特征。随后 ,论文集中讨论了由作者提出并发展的指导网络教育教学取得成功的应对 (REACTIONS)模型和东方 (ORIENT)模型。最后 ,作者表示深信 ,通过政策法规规范下的市场竞争机制 ,中国网络教育将从春秋时代走出来 。
This paper begins with a description of global web-based education and the commence of web-based education in China, followed by a discussion of six basic symobols, which show that China as the Spring and Autumn Period, and make an analysis of its characteristics; pluralization of providers, variety in operation, high competition, immature and testing features. Then, the paper concentrates on the REACTION model and ORIENT model in running successful web-based education and teaching-learning, proposed and developed by the author. The author shows his belief at the end of the paper that under the guidance of proper laws, regulations and policies, through competition and marketing mechanism, web-based education in China will go through the Spring and Autumn Period and come to a collaborative and unified ages.
Modern Educational Technology