2Public Trust or Mistrust ? Perceptions of Media Credibility in the Informarion Age By: Kiousis, Spiro. Mass Communication & Society, Nov2001, Vol.4 Issue 4, p381,23.
3change in media credibility. By:Major, Ann M.; Atwood, L. Erwin. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,Winter97, Vol. 74 Issue 4, p797, 17p, 2charts
4Has Newspaper Credibility Mattered? A Perspective on Media Credibility Debate By: Blake, Kenneth R.; Wyatt,Robert O.. Newspaper Research Journal,Winter2002, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p73, 5p
5The Impact of Television News Film on Perceived Media Credibility By:Ryan, Michael. Journal of Applied Communications Research, Apr76, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p69, 7p; (AN 9913520)
6《Online Ethos---Source Credibility in an "Authorless"Environment》By:Warnick, Barbara. American Behavioral Scientist, Oct2004, Vol. 48 Issue 2,p256 .
7The Credibility of Newspapers,Television News,and Online News by:Rasha A. Abdulla, Bruce Garrison,Michael Salwen,Paul Driseoll, and Denise Casey. Journalism and Mass Communication ,annual convention, Miami Beach,Fla.,August 9,2002.
8Has Newspaper Credibility Mattered? A Perspective on Media Credibility Debate By: Blake, Kenneth R.; Wyatt,Robert O.. Newspaper Research Journal,Winter2002, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p73, 5p
9Public Trust or Mistrust ? Perceptions of Media Credibility in the Information Age By: Kiousis, Spiro. Mass Communication & Society, Nov2001, Vol.4 Issue 4, p381, 23p.