为建立简易皮肤单纯疱疹动物模型 ,我们用 1型单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV 1)经皮下注射感染豚鼠背部 ,并用病毒分离和PCR方法检测感染局部组织HSV 1增殖动态和DNA。结果发现在感染的第 3d出现典型的单纯疱疹病变 ,至第 14d疱疹痊愈 ;在感染的第 2dHSV 1滴度最高 ,以后逐渐下降 ,至第 10d降至最低水平 ,2周内均能检出HSV 1DNA。用此模型研究喷昔洛韦对单纯疱疹的疗效。结果证实PCV能明显缩短疱疹的病程 ,且对HSV 1增殖有抑制作用。这些结果表明该模型是简易且有效的。
To establish a guinea pig model for herpes simplex, guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously on the back with Herpes Simplex Virus type 1(HSV 1) The virus was isolated from the tissue of the inoculated site and PCR was performed to investigate the multiplication of HSV 1 A typical lesion of herpes simplex appeared in the 3rd day after inoculation and healed in the 14th day The HSV 1 titer reached the maximum in the 2nd day, then declined, and came to the minimum on the 10th day However HSV 1 DNA could be detected throughout the two weeks The animal model was used in a study on the therapeutic effect of penciclovir (PCV) on herpes simplex The date showed that PCV could shorten the course of herpes simplex and inhibit the multiplication of HSV 1
Basic and Clinical Medicine