作者在文中总结了长期分析研究和计算实践中提高气缸盖有限元强度计算精度的各种处理方法,如计算模型、 热边界条件、螺钉预紧力、过盈装配、密封面接触问题等;通过气缸盖温度、应力分布实例计算结果与实际情况的对 比,证明其处理方法的有效性。
Based on long-time exploration and computational practice, series of treatment allowed to improve the accuracy of FE calculation conducted for cylinder heads have been summarized in terms of calculation madel, thermal boundary condition, screw tightening force, interference fit, sealing surface contact and others; Also, comparison of the temperature and stress distributions for an exemplified cylinder head with its actual conditions has been made, whereby to prove the effectiveness of the said treat-ments offered by the author.
Diesel Engine