介绍了近 10年来国际社会致力于温室气体减排所做的努力 ,分析了《京都议定书》提出的三个灵活性机制及其最新执行情况。在此基础上 ,提出了当前温室气体减排所面临的机遇与挑战 ,并结合温室气体减排的国际形势 ,分析和预测了 2 1世纪我国能源的发展战略与方向。
This paper briefly introlduces the work about the greenhouse gases emission reduction in recent 10 years in the world. The authors analyze the three flexible mechanisms proposed in Kyoto conference and their latest implementation. On the basis of above mentioned, the potential opportunities and challenge on greenhouse gases reduction we faced were proposed. Finally, in view of the trend of the greenhouse gases reduction in the world, the authors outline the strategy and direction of the energy development in the 21 century.
Energy Technology