评述了车用替代燃料现状 ,根据我国西南地区的能源分布特点 ,压缩天然气 (CNG)、煤制甲烷和生物质液化燃料显然更适合本地区车用替代燃料 ,它们具有资源丰富 ,供给稳定 ,空气污染少等优点 ,可以充分利用本地的能源资源。在发展车用替代燃料时 ,政府应发挥应有作用。
The development of alternative automobile fuels is reviewed. According to the energy resource distribution in southwest region of China, it is obvious that CNG fuel, coal based methanol fuel and plant derived fuels for automobile have the advantage of conventional fuels in air pollution control, stable fuel supply and full energy resource utilization. In the development of alternative automobile fuels, the role of government is essential.
Energy Technology