目的 探讨雄性大鼠去睾后骨丢失的组织学机理 ,为临床治疗用药提供理论依据。方法将 30只 10月龄雄性大鼠 ,用完全随机设计方法分为正常对照组和去睾病理组 ,每组各 15只。饲养 12周后处死取腰 1~ 2脊椎 ,作不脱钙骨切片 ,测定骨形态计量学各骨量参数和表面参数。两组参数作方差分析 ,显著性检验。结果 去睾病理组骨量参数小于正常对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,其表面参数显示 :成骨参数减少、破骨参数增加、骨转换加快 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 重建负平衡和骨高转换是导致去睾后骨丢失的组织学机理 ,临床治疗老年男性骨质疏松症应联合应用促进骨形成、抑制骨吸收和降低骨转换药物。
Objective To investigate the histological mechanis m of the bone loss of castrated male rat s and provied theoretical basis for clin ical treatment.Methods 30 male rats aged 10 months were randoml y divided into two groups as normal and castrated pathological groups.The animal s were sacrificed after adminsration Hei hudan (a TCM agent) for 12 weeks.L 1 and L 2 were chosen to make bone slices with o ut decalificating and then diverse bone indexes and superficial indexes of bone morphological metrology were determined. ANOVA was used for data anlysis.Results Bone indexes in the pathological group w ere smaller than the normal one(P<0 05) .The superficial indexes show:osteoclast index increased,osteogenesis index decr eased,bone transformation became faster than before(P<0.05).Conclusion Reconstruction of negative balance and h igh bone transformation were the mechani sms of the bone loss of castrated male r ats.The method of combining with drugs t o promote bone formation,restrain bone a bsorption,reduce bone transformation see ms to be useful for the treatment of sen ile male patients with osteoporosis.
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
浙江省中医管理局资助项目之一!(编号 :970 0 3)