The results of this program, and the analysis on them show that the Seasonal popalation fluctuation carves of the Commensal rodents in the city and the countryside are similar basically inwave shape, which suggests that in the two ecological conditions, that of the city and that of the countryside, do not produce markedly different influences on the seasonal population fluctuation of the commensal rodent, Of the three leading species(Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus and Rattus flavipectas) although there are some differences or even some characteristic between their seasonal population fluctuations, they are not enough to become the reliable marks to distinguish them from each other because of being affected So much by. outside environment factors. Also the analysis based on the Norway rats and the house mice shows that the natural ecological Condition of the faunae (Zoogeographical divisions)is not the factor which have a great or important influence upon the sensonal population fluctuati of domestic rodents, in other words, there is no notable relationship between the two.
The 'Synehro-undulation analytical method' adopted in the present paper can give a definite result for the similarity analysis of the Seasonal population fluctuation Curves of rodents when they have complex wave shapes.
Rodent Control, Commensal Rodent Control, Rodent infestation monitoring, Rodent population density, Rodent seasonal population fluctuation, Synhro-undulation analytical method.