

A Study to Assess Methods for Establishing Urban Rodent Free Areas.
摘要 本文报道采用鼠夹法、粉迹法及拖食法,对上海城市鼠密度进行了调查分析。结果观察到,在以黄胸鼠为主的地区,粉迹法测定鼠密度较稳定,拖食法次之,鼠夹法变化大。在以小家鼠为主的地区,粉迹法与鼠夹法的差别不明显。因此,测定城市室内鼠密度使用的监测与考核方法,应考虑鼠种及鼠的行为特点。 From January of 1987 to March of 1988 a survey was made of snap traps, tracking patches and bait dragging methods to extrapolate the density of rodents in different ecological environment.The results in residential areas, guest hotels of urban districts and villages of rural areas of Shanghai are as follows: In guest houses and in residential areas the buff breasted rat (Rattus flavipectus) was found to be the dominant species. In different site of the guest hotels the proportion of average density of the two methods, snap traps and tracking patches was 1:6.68. but at different site the two methods for assessing the density showed a significant difference being 1: 2.63-1:14.09. In residential areas before rodent controls were conducted density was considerably high, the proportion of the density of the two methods was 1: 2.31, but at after control the proportion of density of the two methods showed a variation of great range( 1:0.5—1: 12.00) . In places where the house mouse (Mus musculus) was the dominant species the density of the two methods showed no significant difference. In comparing the snap trap, tracking patch and bait dragging methods. We found that the tracking patch method in assessing and monitiring the density of rats that live indoors was more effective. Next is the bait dragging method. The snap trap method showed a variation in range in assessing density due to cautious behabiour response
出处 《中国鼠类防制杂志》 CSCD 1989年第1期39-42,共4页
关键词 无鼠害考核方法 鼠密度 鼠夹法 粉迹法 拖食法 Rodent-free Rodent density Snap trap method Tracking patch method Bait dragging method
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