目的探讨Ⅶ、Ⅷ脑神经复合束的应用解剖与前庭神经切断术径路的关系。方法选用新鲜或福 尔马林固定的带软组织尸耳34只,采取从上向下和从后向前联合进路暴露内耳道的方式进行解剖学研究。结果 ①Ⅶ、Ⅷ脑神经复合束在由内耳道底向脑干行经过程中,存在着神经吻合、神经融合及神经旋转的独特现象;② 耳蜗前庭裂亦存在3类变化。结论保留听力的前庭神经切断术应尽量选择暴露内耳道的径路进行。
Objective To study the anatomy of the seventh and eighth cranial nerves complex and select the approach for vestibular neurectomy. Methods Thirty - four fresh and fixed ears with soft tissues were used, the roof and posterior wall of the internal auditory canal being exposed. Results There are new anastomoses, fuse and rotation of the seventh and eighth cranial nerves complex from the fundus of the internal auditory canal to the brain stem. Cochleovestibular cleavage also changes in classification. Conclusion For reserving hearing in vestibular neurectomy, it is better to choose the apprach of exposing internal auditory canal.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-skull Base Surgery