目的 :研究高、低渗造影剂对甘油致肾损害大鼠和正常大鼠的肾毒性 ,观察山莨菪碱预防肾小管损害的作用。方法 :用 2 5 %甘油按 1ml/ 10 0 g制肾损害大鼠模型 ,然后从静脉注射高渗造影剂 (76 %复方泛影葡胺 ,1ml/ 10 0 g)或优维显 (1m l/ 10 0 g) ,2 4h后各组随机处死 10只大鼠 ,肾脏用 10 %福尔马林固定后做病理检查。结果 :在肾功能损害组 ,给高渗造影剂后 ,可使肾小管管型数和肾小管坏死数明显高于低渗造影剂组和甘油对照组 (P<0 .0 1) ,山莨菪碱可明显减轻肾小管损害 (P<0 .0 5 )。正常肾功能组高、低渗造影剂组之间肾小管损害无显著性差异。结论 :肾功能损害时用低渗造影剂对肾毒性较小 ,山莨菪碱对复方泛影葡胺的肾毒性有一定的预防作用。
Objective:To investigate the toxic impacts of hyperosmotic or hypoosmotic contrast agents on renal function of the rat and protective effect of anisodamine on renal function.Methods:Naive rats or rats with renal funetion impaired by intramuscular injection of glycerl (25%,1ml/100g bwt)were used in the experiments.The animal was i.v. injected via enea hypglossi vein with either 76% diatrizoate (a hyperosmotic contrast agent) or ultravist (a hypoosmotic contrast agent) bath in amount of 1ml/100g bwt.Twenty four hours after adminstration,10 rats from each group were randomely sacrified for kidney dissection and histological examination.Results:It was found that in the rats with renal function impaired there much more renal tubulus moulds and necroses were observed in group given diatrizoate than in the ultravist group and in the groups receiving anisodamine simultanously( P <0.05),showing the protective effect of anisodamire ( P <0.05).In the naive rats,however,no significant difference was observed for the contrast agents.Conclusions:The results show that in subjects with renal impaired,hypoosmatic contrast agents may show less nephrotoxicity to the renal function,and that anisodamine has protection effect on kidney from the nephrotoxicity of diatrizoate.
Acta Medicinae Sinica