刊物的政治导向功能及其把握与实现 ,并非一个外显的存在。它是社会主义出版业的本质要求 ,是学术理论刊物的内在特征 ,是新时期编辑工作本质属性的体现。正是通过作为其政治导向功能实现的主形态的现实性和时代感 ,不断激发着学术理论刊物的内部活力。它作为一个贯穿始终的整体办刊思路和要求 ,既不会削弱甚或取消作为学术理论刊物特质的学术性和理论性 。
The political guiding function of academic journals and the grasp and fulfillment of it are not an external existence. It is the essential requirement of socialist publications, the inner features of academic journals and the reflection of essential attributes of editing work in the new era. The reality and the sense of the times for realizing the leading formation by means of the political function of academic journals activate their development. The political guiding function, as the major thinking and requirement of running journals throughout, will not weaken or deprive the academic and theoretical nature of the academic journals and it will not make them lose their peculiarities either.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)