当前青年大学生的社会公德、传统道德等基础文明的整体水平不容乐观。提高青年大学生的基本文明道德素质 ,是高校政治思想教育面临的一个重大课题。高校根据时代的要求 ,结合自身的实际 ,通过树正面典型 ,抓反面曝光等一系列活动 ,全方位地培养大学生的集体主义思想 ,并对其进行行之有效的“文明修身”教育 。
It is not optimistic to see the level of fundamental civilization in social morality and traditional morality. To improve the young college students' moral qualifications is an important topic faced by the higher learning institutes, who should, according to the requirements of the times and the reality of the higher learning institutes, conduct an all-round collective thought in college students through setting good examples and exposing the bad ones. It is of great significance to train the personnel of the new century.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)