经济分析为我们研究商业秘密侵权行为提供了新的范畴。商业秘密侵权行为发生的根本原因是当事人之间的交易成本过高导致不能缔约。商业秘密能够产生相对高额利润诱致侵权是另一经济因素。对于商业秘密侵权行为人造成的损害 ,应给权利人以充分赔偿 ,为预防该行为 ,有必要补充惩罚性赔偿金。应当确立侵权举证责任的适度转移制度 ,商业秘密侵权的判决应取用禁令之方式 ,允许侵权人在支付了相当的侵权成本后继续使用该特定信息 ,这是法律判决的效率化 (节约社会成本 )
It provides us a new category to research the problems about legal protection of trade secret using economical analysis method.The fundamental reason of producing infringe trade secret right is the trade cost between persons concerned too expensive,and can not establish a contract relationship.The relatively high profit coming from trade secret leading to the torts is also a economical factor.Full compensation should be given to the plaintiff.For taking precautions against trade secret infringe right,it is necessary to add punish ability damages.It is also essential to build appropriate transformation institution of responsibility in raising infringe proof.The court decision of trade secret infringe right should take prohibition fashion,and should permit the person with tort continue using this specific information after paying enough cost,that is a selection of the effectiveness of legal judgement(saving social cost).
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)