将从食管癌高发区河南林县粮食中分离到的4株圆弧青霉接种于Raulin—Thom培养基,25℃培养12天.菌液经氯仿萃取得棕褐色粉末状提取物,菌丝体经乙醇、氯仿、醋酸乙酯提取得褐色膏状物。应用程序外DNA合成(Unscheduled DNA synthesis,UDS)和DNA合成抑制(DNA synthesis inhibi-tion,DSI)试验对两种提取物进行诱变性研究,在不加S9性况下,3株菌液和菌丝体提取物诱发人羊膜FL细胞UDS,2株菌液和菌丝体提取物明显地抑制人羊膜FL细胞DNA合成(P<0.05或P<0.01),并呈剂量相关性.加S9组分后UDS和DSI减弱或消失.同时发现菌液提取物对细胞DNA损伤作用较菌丝体为强.提示两种提取物中均含有直接诱变物,与人类食管癌的关系值得进一步研究。
4 strains of P. cyclopium isolated from the cereals of Linxian county,a high incidence area ofesophageal canaer,were separately inoculated in Raulin--Thom medium and incubated for 12 days at25°C. The brown powdery extract was obtained form the fungous liquid with chloroform. Brown pastewas extracted form the fungous liquid with chloroform. Brown paste was extracted from the myceliumwith alcohol, chloroform,and ethyl acetate. By means of UDS and DSI tests, the mutagenicity of thetwo kinds of extracts was studied. Under the cocondition without S9 mix, 3 strains liquid and myceliumextracts could induce UDS in human amnion FL cells. 2 strains fungous liquid and mycelium extractscould significantly induce the inhibition of the DNA synthesis in human amnion FL cells(P<0. 01 orP<0. 05). The effcts of UDS and DSI had something to do with the concentration of the extracts andreduced or disappered after they mixed with the S9 mix. The damage caused by the fungous liquidextracts to the DNA in human amnion FL cells was greater than that by the mycelium extracts,It issuggested that there should be direct mutagens in the two kinds of extracts. Therelation between P.cyclopium and esophageal cancer needs to be further studied.
Journal of Henan Medical University
esophageal cancer mutagen