以 2 95组 580 0余套国产与国外轴承寿命试验数据为依据 ,对e值进行了验证分析和研究 ,结果是球轴承e =1 .2 9;滚子轴承e =1 .4 9。两相比较 ,球轴承相对偏差为1 6% ,滚子轴承为 3 2 % ,ISO标准推荐值与实测值不能很好吻合 ,有必要依据更多的试验对e值作进一步的探讨与完善。附图 2幅 ,表 3个 ,参考文献 5篇。
On the base of life test datum of more than 5800 bearings (295 groups) in home and abroad, the validation analysis and study have been made for a value. The results is e=1.29 for ball bearing and e=1.49 for roller bearing. the relative deviation being 16% for ball bearing and 32% for roller bearing vohich do not coincide with the e value listed in ISO standard so it is necessary that further research and perfection for e value would be made by more tests.