各种胁迫因子对农业生态系统可能造成极大危害 ,有时甚至会带来不可逆转的崩溃 ,因此保护农业生态系统的健康十分重要。本文从农业生态系统健康学说的形成与发展、危及农业生态系统健康的胁迫因子、农业生态系统健康的评价方法和指标等几个方面综述了农业生态系统健康学的研究概况。事实上 ,农业生态系统健康与可持续农业是相一致的。目前对农业生态系统健康的评估还没有一套可靠而统一的标准 ,常用的方法主要有生态系统失调综合症的诊断、生态系统缓冲力和持续性的评估以及生态风险评估等。最后讨论了尚待进一步研究的内容 。
Agroecosystems can be hazarded seriously by many kinds of stresses, sometimes even caused irreversible collapse. So it is very important to protect their health. In this paper, the recent research achievements about agroecosystem health were introduced, including the emergence and development of the concept of agroecosystem health, the stresses endangering agroecosystem health , the methods and index assessing agroecosystem health, etc. In fact, agroecosystem health was consistent with sustainable agriculture basically. At present, there was no a series of integrated and uniform criterion to assess agroecosystem health, and those methods such as the diagnosis of ecosystem distress syndrome , assessment of resilience and sustainability of ecosystem, and risk assessment, etc, were often used. Finally, several aspects needed further investigating were discussed, and some problems should be paid attention to in the development of sustainable agriculture in our country at present were suggested.
Journal of China Agricultural University
国家自然科学基金资助项目! (39870 4 93)