以柱型苹果品种、常规栽培品种及二者的杂交分离群体为试材 ,对在苹果柱型基因 (Co)的AFLP标记基础上构建的一个SCAR标记进行分析。结果表明该SCAR标记对苹果柱型性状检测的准确率在90 %以上 。
Several columnar and non-columnar apple varieties and three different progenies were used to verify the new SCAR marker from an AFLP marker developed by us recently. The result showed that there is a 273bp band to be amplified in the genomes of columnar type trees. Therefore, this SCAR marker is very reliable in detection of apple columnar growth habit, and could be used in identification of columnar apple seedlings or marker-assistant selection in apple breeding.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College