
江西分宜地区杉木人工林不同代数间生产力与生物量构成的比较研究 被引量:11

Comparison and Study on the Productivity and Biomass Component Proportions of Different Rotation of Chinese Fir Plantations in Fenyi, Jiangxi Province
摘要 将选自江西分宜大岗山地区相同立地条件和发育阶段的 1、2代林样地的林龄变为与 1代林主样地的林龄一致 ,利用“杉木人工林生长与收获模型系统”中的部分模型 ,计算林龄变换后样地的平均优势高 ,以便实现 1、2代林之间以优势高表示的生产力在同林龄、同立地的比较。用假设检验比较 1、2代林生产力的差异。而后根据实测生物量计算的数据 ,用假设检验比较 1、2代林树干、树根及枝叶在生物量中占百分比的差异。结果表明 :在各种立地条件下 ,幼龄林 1、2代林的生产力无显著差异 ;中龄林 1代林的生产力要普遍高于 2代林 ,立地条件越差差异越明显 ;4~ 12年生林分 ,1代林树干占生物量百分比要普遍高于 2代林 ,1代林树根占生物量百分比要普遍低于 2代林 ,立地条件越差上述差异越明显 ;1代林与 2代林枝、叶占生物量百分比无显著差异。 The productivity of first rotation of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) was compared with that of the second rotation. The tree height of dominant tree was used as the indicator, which was not influenced by the stand density but influenced by the site condition and age of the stand. The stand age on the first and the second generations sample plots of Chinese fir with similar site condition and development stage in Dagangshan of Jiangxi Province was in keeping with that of the main plot of first rotation, and height of dominant trees was calculated after the age changing by using Growth and Yield Model System of Chinese Fir Plantation, so as to compare the dominant heights between the first and second rotation stands with similar stand age and site conditions. Based on the data of practical measuring of biomass, the differences of biomass percentage of trunk, root and leaves were compared by the method of hypothesis testing. The results showed that there was no significant difference of productivity between the first and the second rotation young stands under various site conditions. The productivity of first rotation middle aged stand was higher than that of the second rotation stand. The poorer the site condition, the more significant the difference. For 4~12 years old stands, it was showed that: (1) The percentage of trunk in the total biomass was higher for first rotation stand than for the second rotation stand. (2) The percentage of root in the total biomass was lower for first rotation stand than for the second rotation stand. The poorer the site condition, the more significant the difference. (3) There existed no significant difference of percentage of leaves and branches in total biomass between first and second rotation stands.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期160-167,共8页 Forest Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目!"中国人工林长期生产力保持机制的研究"( 3 963 0 2 4 0 )
关键词 连栽 人工杉木材 生产力 生物量构成 统计假设检验 代数 Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation productivity biomass component hypothesis testing
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