井中重力测井仪是从美国引进的高精度测井仪。它具有探测范围广、可穿过套管壁测量、受井眼条件干扰小等优点。它在油气勘探领域主要用于精确评价探井中的地层密度和孔隙度 ,遥测横向密度变化以寻找缝洞发育带和含气构造 ,尤其是在寻找离开井眼的溶洞、礁体及大的孔隙、裂缝带等储集体可发挥其独特的作用。河北物探局受总公司委托来渝试验重力测井仪 ,试图在碳酸岩盐地层的溶洞、裂缝和礁体等的探测上见到好的效果。
The borehole gravity meter, a high accurate instrument, has an advantage of wide exploration range and ability in measurement through the cased well and is slightly interfered by wellbore conditions, etc.. Its main applications in oil & gas exploration fields are to evaluate the formation density and porosity of wildcat well precisely and telemeter the density variations transversely so as to seek for fractures, vugs and the gas bearing formation. Especially, the meter is more superior in looking for vugs, reefs and the reservoirs with large pores and fractures far away from the wellbore.
Well Logging Technology