The petrochemical industry has several dis tinct features including scale, globalization, product diversity, and substantial sales chains with a variety of suppliers and consumers. These features make the industry conducive to utilizing the strengths of e-business. The e-businesses of foreign petrochemical concerns have passed through three phases: 1) development of websites to display information and products, 2) 'dot.com' companies' implementation of petrochemical c-business websites, and 3) realization of e-commerce to e-business. Presently, the popularity of the internet at Chinese petrochemical enterprises remains low, particularly regarding the potential for sales. Generally, e-business websites tend to be similar with a bland model. At the same time, many individuals simply have not approached the possibilities of e-business. To meet these obstacles, it is necessary to strengthen leadership of e-business ventures, establish computer applications for quick and efficient use, complete regulatory and system standards for petrochemical e-business ventures, and ensure trade safety with the internet.
International Petroleum Economics