

The Protective Effect of the Bacterial SOD on the Radiating Mice
摘要 了解细菌超氧离子歧化酶(SOD)在小白鼠体内的代谢分布情况,探讨细菌SOD对小白鼠辐射损伤的防护效应.用同位素示踪技术,观察^(125)I标记的细菌SOD在小白鼠体内的代射分布情况.设注射SOD未辐射组及注射NaCl未辐射组作为对照组,实验组设辐射组、辐射前注射SOD组、辐射后注射SOD组,饲养30d,观察其生物学行为变化,比较不同组小鼠的成活率和体重变化.小鼠尾静脉注射细菌SOD,不同组织、器官均有分布,但数量有差异;对照组小鼠的成活率为100%,体重逐渐增加;未注射SOD辐射组,成活率呈下降趋势,20d内下降为0,体重也呈下降趋势;辐射前注射SOD组,成活率在10d内开始下降,体重最初下降,后期又逐渐恢复;辐射后注射SOD组与辐射前注射SOD组比较有相似的变化规律,但辐射前注射SOD组成活率比辐射后注射SOD组高.细菌SOD对小鼠辐射损伤有一定的防护效应,辐射前注射SOD比辐射后注射SOD效果好. To investigate the metabolic distribution of the bacterial SOD in the body of mice and the protective effect of the bacterial SOD on the radiating mice. This experiment adopted isotope-tracing technology to study the metabolic distribution of the bacterial SOD marked with I125 in mice. Take the groan of being injected the bacterial SOD or NaCl but not radiated as control group. Also grouped mice of being radiated but not injected the bacterial SOD、being injected the bacterial SOD before radiating and being injected the bacterial SOD after radiating. Fostered them for 30 days. Observing their biological behavior, comparing their survive ratio and avoirdupois. The bacterial SOD distributed to many tissue and organs through tail mainline, but the quantity is diversity. The survive ratio of the control group is 100%. Its avoirdupois is increasing at all times;The group of being radiated but not injected the bacterial SOD. Its survive ratio descended to zero in 20days. Its avoirdupois decreases too; The group of being injected the bacterial SOD before radiating, Its survive ratio began to descend within 10 days,its avoirdupois decreases early and recovers later. The group of being injected the bacterial SOD after radiating changes the same as before. But the survive ratio of the group of being injected the bacterial SOD before radiating is higher than that of after radiating. The bacterial SOD protected mice from radiating to a certain extent. It is better to inject SOD before radiating than after it.
出处 《预防医学文献信息》 1999年第4期301-303,共3页 Liferatue and Information On Preventine Medicine
关键词 细菌SOD 辐射 小鼠 同位素 抗辐射效应 bacterial SOD radiate mice isotope
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