为了查明黄河三角洲—高速公路路面万只大仓鼠死亡的原因,选用夹夜法、小方块计数鼠洞法及目测计数法调查鼠密度,采用 GB 15996—1995方法对鼠肺流行性出血热病毒抗原测定.夹夜法调查刺槐林、杂草地、麦田的鼠密度分别为 44. 86%、14.61%及 3. 17%.鼠肺流行性出血热病毒抗原测定均为阴性.死鼠只出现在公路路面上,均有被汽车碾轧痕.刺槐林、杂草地及麦田内没发现死鼠.死亡原因主要是该地区1998年雨水多,野生植被丰富,为鼠类提供了足够的食源,大仓鼠周期性繁殖高峰到来引起鼠密度增高,居住拥挤,冬季来临食源相对贫乏及暖冬现象,驱使鼠类分居,在分居的过程中跑到公路上被汽车碾轧死亡.
In order to find out the cause of death of ten thousand ratlike hamsters (cricetulustriton)on the surface of the expressway in the Yellow River Delts,an investigation was carried out on the rat density in different local ecological conditions with the methods of night trapping,little square counting of rat caves,and range estimation counting GB15996-1995 method was used to test EHF virus antigen. The rat density was 44. 86%, 14. 61%and 3. 17%respectively in locust forest,weeds and wheat fields. EHF virus dead hamsters were only present on the surface of the expressway, with traces of vehicle crushing. No dead bodies of hamsters were found in locust forest,weeds and wheat fields. The results showed that the presence of dead hamsters on the surface of the expressway was due to crowded living conditions from high rat density in the area. With regular reproduction coming and lack of food with the coming winter and the phenomenon of warm winter .forced the rats to move, crushed to death by cars on the expressway in the course of moving. Causing their dead bodies in mass distribu-ton. The high rat density was caused by rich raining in the area that year ,offering enough food for the rats,and also due to uncultivated land.
Liferatue and Information On Preventine Medicine
the Yellow River Delta cricetulustnton cause of death